When to Apply Beard Product

What’s up Beardsmen! Hello as well to the beard-curious, glad to have you here. We’re going to get deep into beard care and beard product application so whether you are a user or know one this is going to be useful info.

If you haven’t read the last post I wrote, it would be helpful to click over to it and give it a quick read as I’ll be referring to some of what we discussed there as it relates to beard product application.

If you follow Beck & Co. Beard Gear on Facebook or Instagram you’ll know that we’re full-time vendors at one of the most prolific markets in Texas, the Tomball Farmers Market. Aside from being a fantastic community of small business owners and amazing customers who loyally support their community, one of the greatest things about the market is I have the opportunity every Saturday to talk beards, beard care and beard products for 4 straight hours! I get to compare notes with beardsmen of all kinds and hear what they’re doing to hit their beard goals. I can proudly say our products are a staple in their beard care kits and have been instrumental in many of them boosting their growth and grooming levels.

All that to say, one of the theories I ascribe to and share with every single one of the guys (and gals) I speak with, is in regard to product application. Specifically, the timing of product application. Whether its an oil, balm or butter, there is a BEST time to apply product in your beard.

At the end of my last post, I spoke briefly about using a beard conditioner (if you haven’t read it yet, click the link at the beginning of this post). Long story short, I’m vehemently against it - in beards. Here’s why.

When we shower, and especially if we give the man mane a good thorough rinse, our hair becomes saturated with water and it swells. The outer sheath of the hair (cuticle) is made up of layers that begin to stand up as the swelling increases. At this point if you apply a beard wash you’re incurring maximum damage by exposing the underlying layers of your beard to the drying chemicals found in most washes. Now apply a beard conditioner that is meant to seal the hair and lock in moisture, which sounds good except you just stripped most of the moisture out with that wash…

In addition to that, you’ve sealed your hair with a conditioner so where is the oil or balm you’re applying going to go? It’s sure not going to penetrate into your beard the way it should and is designed to. I suspect this is why many apply very little product to their beards because there is no way for the hair to soak it up.

So when is the best time to apply your products? Right after you step out of the shower. While that hair is still engorged with water, pat or squeeze out the excess moisture (depending on the length of your beard), and before the hair starts to dry and retract, get that product in there.

I typically apply a beard balm out of the shower because I want that deep conditioning as well as the styling aid throughout the day. The typical amount of balm I use would be around the size of medium to small peach pit. When I finish working it into my beard, it’s all gone. Totally absorbed by the beard…granted, I have a pretty decent length beard. Sure everyone’s beard is different; there is hair porosity and other genetic factors, but by comparison, when I apply the same product to a dry beard I have to use about half the amount I use in my damp beard. It makes a difference.

If you only use beard oil, which you might for many reasons, the theory is the same. I invite you to test out my theory. Keep track of how much oil your beard will take damp versus dry. You’ll be shocked.

Whatever you do, keep that beard tight.

Chad Beck

Family Owned Small Business


Overcoming Beard Shame


No More Beard Conditioner!