Overcoming Beard Shame

I once had someone tell me “You’re trying to cultivate on your face what I grow wild on my ass.”.

I was 16. It was the summer between 10th grade and 11th and I was dead-set on going back to school with a goatee. My mustache and chin area have always come in thicker than my cheeks and at 16 it was the only place it had started to show significantly. That’s what I had and I was going to rock it however I could. I’m not going to lie though, that comment almost made me run for a razor.

Maybe you’ve had someone make a similar type comment to you? Nice peach fuzz, wipe the dirt off your lip, you missed when you were shaving, and countless others. WHY? What is up with the beard shaming??

The worst beard shame is the stuff we pile on ourselves. If I had a nickel for every time I heard a guy say “I can’t grow a beard.” let me tell you friends, I would have a pile of nickels. The truth is we don’t let ourselves get through the awkward stages. You know, the ones we didn’t have a choice in getting through when we were growing up - hitting growth spurts, voices that couldn’t decide on a pitch and acne…oh, the acne…sigh.

There were some guys who seemed to make that transition seamlessly, like overnight they just became a man. Just like then, some guys are genetically blessed to grow a beard that could stop traffic - and some of us have to work a little harder.

The key is finding your style. There are an infinite number of styles of facial hair for all kinds of genetic dispositions. Bare cheeks, bare chins, weak mustaches, patchy growth - there is a style to work around every one of them and own it!

The key, is getting through the awkward stages.

What does that mean? Let it grow bro, just let it grow. You will never find your beard if you don’t put aside the beard shame and own it! It might not look good for a week, it might not look good for a month! - but when you have a canvas to work with you have options.

There are steps you can take to help you on this journey. The most important - get a beard oil.

A lot of guys hit the dry, scratchy phase and bail. A good beard oil will keep your skin hydrated so you don’t get the itch, scratch or the dreaded flakes. The second huge thing it’s going to do is enhance beard growth, shortening the amount of time you spend in that awkward phase.

If you want to know exactly how beard oil boosts growth, check out our list of ingredients for a break down.

So what do we need to do men?

  • Say no to beard shame and lift up your beard brothers.

  • Let it grow!

  • Get a quality beard oil to start you on your way.

  • Own it…just own it. Head high, back straight. You got this!

Can’t wait to see those beards. :)

Chad Beck

Family Owned Small Business


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