Beard Oil: Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck

Are you wondering when you should be using beard oil? What kind of routine you should be following to get the most growth and benefit? Well look no further because I'm about to tell you why you need to move beard oil to your bedtime routine.

I should preface my explanation by saying, this is my personally tested routine and approach for optimizing beard growth. If you’re pursuing the long beard game, if you’re starting or are into a yeard or even a tweard(!), this is the approach you need to be taking. I am literally amazed some days by how fast my beard seems to be growing, and I attribute it to this routine.

If you keep your beard on the tighter side, a more professional look, or even stubble for that matter, this is still a great way to maximize the result of using a quality beard oil in your beard care routine…you are just going to have to trim more often, LOL!

Alright! Enough preamble, let’s get to it…

Our bodies, the amazing machines that they are, do the majority of healing and growing while we are off in the land of Nod. So, if you wish to derive the most benefit from your beard oil application, there is no better time to apply than right before your head hits the pillow. By doing this, you've provided your skin and beard everything it needs to hydrate, heal and grow!

The key, the absolute KEY to getting every bit of advantage out of this process, is making sure you are using enough oil! I don’t know how many times I’ve seen YouTube videos or reviews where beard guys are using a half a dropper for their whole beard saying “You really don’t need a whole lot of oil; a little goes a long way.” I call BS.

To begin with, beard oil is first and foremost for your skin. For keeping your mug from getting dry, flaky and itchy. Many of us beardsman will testify to suffering from sores and painful dry patches, especially in a longer, thicker beard. The only thing that is going to take care of those is beard oil, but you HAVE to use an adequate amount. This is part of the reason at Beck & Co. we didn’t even look at a dropper for our oil products; it’s messy, it’s a pain for application, and it’s just not good enough for us. Hence, we went straight to a pump dispenser. One-handed application. No messing around with a leaky dropper, wasting oil AND getting it everywhere but in your beard.

As I was saying, (sorry, droppers get me off on a tangent…) you have to use enough oil to make sure your skin is getting a good dose. How much oil you’ll need for your beard will vary, depending on it’s thickness and length. Everyone’s beard is unique, but here is a rough guide;

• Stubble to short length - you can probably get away with 2-4 pumps.

• Professional length beard - 6-8 pumps

• 4” – 6” Length (from bottom of chin – my length) – 12 – 16 pumps (I use 16-20)

• Longer than 6” – 16 pumps or more

Again, this varies from one guy to the next. For example, my goatee area is very thick compared to my cheeks, so I can get it down to my skin with 4 pumps on each cheek but, I need at least 8-10 pumps across my chin to get full coverage of my chin and neck area. You may require less but then again; you may require more. Test, try, change, test some more.

You might be asking, “If I use oil at night, what do I do in the morning?”. If you are, you need to check out my previous blog When to Apply Beard Product. If you are a medium to long beard guy, this will provide you with guidance as to when and how you should be applying a beard balm. Again, this is for maximizing beard health and growth. I don’t typically recommend to customers with shorter beards to use a beard balm (and I just don’t understand why anyone would use a butter over a balm). The reason I don’t recommend it is beard balm is for conditioning, repairing and hydrating beard hair so it can grow to maximum length. Just watch how fast your beard stops growing when it gets dried out and the ends start splitting. You’re done son.

So, if you’re regularly getting trimmed and growth isn’t a goal for you, then save your money. A good beard oil is probably going to give you everything you need.

If you’re skeptical, here’s my challenge to you; try out this routine and if you don’t notice a difference in your growth, I want to hear about it because you must be doing something better, and I want to know about it! We’re all figuring this stuff out together, so let’s be iron sharpening iron and help each other out.

Chad Beck

Family Owned Small Business

The Ultimate Beard Kit: Elevate Your Look with Our Care Essentials


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